[Movie Review] Love O2O

[Movie Review] Love O2O

Welcome back! I'll be back at the cinema on Monday, and I know I haven't uploaded a Korean movie for a long time, but I'll finish it. Lately I've taken a liking to CDram, including CMV. I've been meaning to watch this particular story (movie? drama?) for a long time. I researched it online in 2017, but I don't have the resources or desire to research it. I reviewed my Nexflix account and watched the movie and drama and agreed. However, I have seen the movie and the drama, so I'm going to watch both again.

Cast : Angelbaby Bei Weiwei / Luwei Weiwei; Jing Boran as Xiao Nai / Yixiao Naihe; Bai Yu as Zhenshui Wuxiang / Cao Guang

Plot: At its core, this film is a romance that develops into something serious. Let me start with this. Our prospects are gamers who met and connected online. In fact, that's all I can do without spoiling you.

[Consumer Warning]

Here's the real deal. Weiwei is a talented RPG player, she is in a relationship with Cao Guang, but suddenly her in-game "husband" decides to divorce her, she agrees and marries another character the next day. What is a hole? (sorry) Then Yixiao Naihe, server number one, offered him a "game". Everything will be fine there. Nahi does everything for Weiwei, he prepares a big and big wedding for her, nice words, and he plays the role of a husband very well. Once Nye decides to meet, what will happen next remains a mystery to me and everyone who has seen the film.

My opinion : I liked the story, it's really funny and very romantic. I played my role playing games when I was in high school but quit because it hurt my eyesight. It was very romantic and I can say that Angelbaby is a real beauty, she has amazing skin and I think she really shines. Love for sports is not uncommon, but not common. I have seen many people marry someone they met online or in mobile games and they love being the perfect couple and I appreciate that.

It would be unfair to compare it to a drama, but there are details in the drama that mean more to me than the movie, but I watched this drama first because it's 30 episodes, oh my god. Overall, I liked this film, it was a great introduction to Love 020. There was a basketball scene and an important part of the umbrella scene, so that suited me.

Watch this movie, let me know if you liked it or watch it again. If you haven't seen it yet, I hope you succeed ^^v
